In conversation with…
FEMINIST Founder and Head of Brand & Vision @kypolanco sits down with DeLovie Kwagala with HashtagWhatNext and Lu of Girls Against Oppression to learn more about what is happening in Uganda, how we got here, and how to support.
In conversation with…
FEMINIST Founder and Head of Brand & Vision @kypolanco talks with Climate justice activist and author @mikaelaloach to discuss why climate justice is a feminist issue, @mikaelaloach’s book, “It’s Not That Radical” and 3 ways to have joy today!
In conversation with…
FEMINIST Founder and Head of Brand & Vision, @kypolanco sits down with Lala Wu, Co-founder and Executive Director of Sister District (@sister_district) to learn more about grassroots organizing during the 2022 midterm elections.
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#FeministContributor @zahrazwz spoke with @rach_carmona about this fall’s #WomensWave, how to get involved, and what being a feminist means to her!
In conversation with…
FEMINIST Founder and Head of Brand & Vision, @kypolanco converses with @ranaabdelhamid, founder of @wearemalikah to learn more about centering the power of healing through self defense.
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FEMINIST Head of Education @blairimani speaks with @sistersong_woc, Executive Director Monica Raye Simpson @artivistmonicaraye about the fight for abortion rights.
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Co-founders @blairimani & @kypolanco create and inspire conversation for the fight for safe & legal abortion access.
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FEMINIST Founder and Head of Brand & Vision @kypolanco sits down with @abortioncarenetwork and @keepourclinics to learn about how they provide support to indie clinics nationwide, how these funds will be used, and how to get involved beyond donating!
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FEMINIST Head of Education @blairimani speaks with Madame Gandhi @madamegandhi to discuss what music means to her as a feminist, after her latest hit single #CrystalsAndCongas.
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FEMINIST Founder and Head of Brand & Vision, @kypolanco sits down with @voteprochoice on how to show up at midterm elections and #VOTEPROCHOICE
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FEMINIST Head of Education @blairimani & @wearemalikah Executive Director @ranaabdelhamid discuss about healing justice and safety in Brooklyn, NY!
In conversation with…
FEMINIST Founder and Head of Brand & Vision, @kypolanco caught up with Gisele Barreto Fetterman @gfett the Second First Lady of Pennsylvania (SLOP), to learn how voting is an act for the common good, what is on the ballot, why the Midterm Election in Pennsylvania is important and @gfett’s own journey in community building through the @freestore15014.
In conversation with…
US Rep. @maxwellfrostfl & FEMINIST Head of Education @blairimani discuss gun violence in the US and ways to take action!
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FEMINIST Founder and Head of Brand & Vision, @kypolanco and Head of Education @blairimani provide context and answers after the US Supreme Court overturned Roe V. Wade.
In conversation with…
FEMINIST Founder and Head of Brand & Vision, @kypolanco speaks with @Heyjanehealth on #InternationalSafeAbortionDay
In conversation with…
FEMINIST co-founders @aishbburrowes and @blairimani chat with @thesamhita of the @themeteor to learn more about the 2022 midterm election and understand how we can continue our activism to make positive impact across the world.
In conversation with…
FEMINIST Founder and Head of Brand & Vision, @kypolanco talks with Georgia State Representative Park Cannon @parkcannon58 to discuss #MakingtheFuture of Politics.
Catch a vibe with us! Live with @daniellepondermusic in New York City. → Read the feature here
Here are 4 self defense tips with @wearemalikah taught by @ranaabdelhamid