“It Takes Time to Heal” by Photographer Lydia Metral

Lydia Metral (Grenoble, 1986) is a French and Spanish queer photographer working between Paris and Barcelona. Metral graduated from EINA (Centre Universitari de Disseny i Art de Barcelona) in photography and editorial design specializing in Documentary, Fashion and Portrait. Her personal photography projects focussing mainly on intimacy, taking snapshots of her friends, lovers, family and documenting her life and the queer community. Metral was one of the 2021 Feminist Pride Contest winners. Below, discover their latest series titled, “It Takes Time to Heal.”

It takes time to heal
A series by Lydia Metral

It takes time to heal is a project about fragility and resilience, a series of photographs in the form of diptychs, combinations of images taken over the last five years. It is my way of transcending pain, the anxiety of everyday life, of going beyond my fears in an attempt to make the human experience universal, to gather and unite the living.


It's the story of my father who had a stroke, of a young trans man who had to quit his studies to focus on himself and heal his psychological wounds, of a young woman who did not like her body, like many women, and who suffered from endometriosis.

It's the story of a friend whose self-love was challenged, of a daredevil little brother, of a young trans woman who fought to assert her identity, it is also the story of strangers who left a trace of their existence, of loved ones who overcame illnesses, of a toxic relationship, it's the story of damaged bodies and spaces.

Healing takes time, it requires a lot of patience, courage and love.

Sometimes you have to destroy everything in order to rebuild, to be reborn, but it takes time and behind each wound there lies what makes us truly human.

Photos by Lydia Metral

Follow @lydiametral and view more at www.lydiametral.com


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