Feminist Author Feature: Blair imani
Accessible to learners of all levels—from those just getting started on the journey to those deeply versed in social justice—READ THIS TO GET SMARTER covers a range of topics including race, gender, class, disability, oppression, relationships, family, and beyond. This essential guide is a radical but warm and non-judgmental call-to-arms, structured in such a way that you can read it cover-to-cover or start with any topic you want to learn more about. With Blair Imani as your teacher, you'll "get smarter" in no time, and be equipped to intelligently and empathetically process, discuss, and educate others on the crucial issues we must tackle to achieve a liberated, equitable world. Feminist caught up with #FeministAuthor and Platform Educator Blair Imani to chat about her new book, ‘Read This To Get Smarter’, get the scoop in the feature below 👇
Q: We love how you bring together your community of educators, activists, and creators to speak on the different topics discussed on your instagram series, “Smarter in Seconds.” Can we expect community collaborations in the book?
Blair: If it's a project that I am working on, you can bet that there's collaboration involved. I work best when I have people to dream with. I started by examining my areas of growth and worked to identify people who are leaders in those fields. I connected with Dr. Charisse Burden-Stelly on race and class, Dr. Moya Bailey on misogynoir and Dr. Jennifer C. Nash on intersectionality. It was such a blessing to be able to connect with and learn from them.
Q: How did you find your voice?
Blair: I definitely have my younger sister to thank for helping me find my voice. She did not communicate by speaking until she was about 6 and I was hyper verbal even as a toddler. From a young age I would try to convey what she was trying to nonverbally communicate and it taught me that everyone has something important to say but not everyone communicates by speaking.
Q: How do you use your power to empower your community?
Blair: As someone who educates through an anti-oppression lens, I am acutely aware that power is at the core of so many conversations. We should remember that marginalized people have power too, and I use mine to help others find themselves in a world that so often seeks to erase us. I try to encourage people to affirm themselves from within and not to wait for external forces to validate us.
Q: What advice would you give to a ‘smartie’ starting on their own journey in self discovery: where would you advise they start first?
Blair: I would advise any and everyone to begin with themselves. It's much easier to point out racist or other harmful behavior in other people around us but it's a lot more worthwhile to look inward and work to change the biases we carry. Learn how to be honest with yourself and hold yourself accountable. Also learn how to celebrate yourself and affirm yourself without needing external validation.
“I try to encourage people to affirm themselves from within and not to wait for external forces to validate us.”
Q: What is your personal mantra?
Blair: Learning is a blessing.
Q: As the platform educator of Feminist, what is the first lesson the Feminist community should discover in your book?
Blair: The Feminist community should know: Stereotypes, erasure, and oppressive systems mean that many of us are perceived in ways that are fundamentally disconnected from our personal reality. Despite this, our personal identity is still valid even if it is not honored externally in our social identity.
Q: What does being a feminist mean to you?
Blair: Being a feminist means being committed to fighting the consequences of colonization, patriarchy, and systems of supremacy every day and in every way.
the Author
Blair Imani is a critically acclaimed historian, author, educator, and influencer. Her scholarship spans the subjects of gender studies, race and racism, sociology, intersectionality, and U.S. history. She is the author of Read This to Get Smarter about Race, Class, Gender, Disability, and More; Making Our Way Home: The Great Migration and the Black American Dream; and Modern HERstory: Stories of Women and Nonbinary People Rewriting History. The New York Times praised her unique ability to create “progressive lessons with vibrant visuals and a perky, quirky delivery.” Her work centers women and girls, global Black communities, and the LGBTQ community. As an educator and influencer, semi-retired organizer, and public speaker, Blair Imani is dedicated to making the world a better place and amplifying the voices and work of those fighting the good fight. Learn more about Blair Imani by visiting blairimani.com and following her on social media @blairimani.