Artist Feature: Ida Lindbæk
Ida Lindbæk is a Copenhagen based artist who works with digital illustrations. Her work depicts women, often in the nude, enjoying themselves and life. The illustrations are about body acceptance and sexual liberation.
“My work is very much a healing process of my own relationship with my body and letting go of body related shame. I hope others can find the same sense of liberation in my work.”
Illustrations by Ida Lindbæk
Q: Can you share something you've learned from creating this body of work that would resonate with our community?
I: My work comes from a place of wanting to feel free in my own body and for other women to feel the same. To feel liberated from the norms and gender stereotypes of society. If we are not careful, it is very easy to get caught up in what we think we should be/ look like, instead of being who we are. In my illustrations, I try to express that feeling of liberation.
Q: Tell us about your work process! Do you plan your images ahead or are you more improvisational?
I: It is very improvisational! I work based on a feeling I want to express or process. For example, If I have experienced a feeling of shame or sexualitation of my body, it really motivates me to draw. It is a way of liberating myself of those negative feelings society and people can put on you.
Illustrations by Ida Lindbæk
Q: What types of expectations for artists are most challenging to you today?
I: My illustrations often represent naked women and I also share personal photos of myself. I know that many people view my illustrations and portraits as quite provocative, sexual and “too much”. It can be very challenging to experience this feeling of policing, whether it comes from strangers or people close to me. It can give me a feeling of shame and self-doubt. However, it also brings motivation to keep pushing the norms.
Q: What does being a feminist mean to you?
I: To me feminism means supporting women in being exactly who they want to be and respecting other experiences, worth, bodies, choices and knowledge. Society often tries to limit and control how women act and dress. For example, there has just been a huge debate in Denmark about this because a school decided to ban crop-tops. I find it quite absurd that in 2021 we still discuss what women can and cannot do with their bodies. Feminism means that women should have the right to decide over their own bodies and that our bodies are only sexual when we want them to be.
Q: What is your advice to young and aspiring photographers and environmental activists?
I: Believe in yourself and trust that your work is important!
Q: Do you have any upcoming events, exhibitions, or news you'd like to share?
I: No not yet!
Illustrations by Ida Lindbæk
Follow @idalindbaek_art