Artist Feature: Dani Coyle

Dani Coyle aka @inter_sexy (she/they) is an intersex creative and a visual/visibility activist currently undertaking a Master’s in Gender Studies at the University of Oxford. She is a world leader within the global intersex movement and wider LGBTQIA+ community and for that reason, was included in the Dazed100 2020. Her interests lie at the intersection of fashion, beauty, gender, queerness, identity, media and technology.

Inter_face, and Inter_view, work towards the awareness and visibilty of the intersex community by highlighting our diverse faces and stories. Throughout history we have been surgically, hormonally, socially and systematically erased, ensuring our autonomy has been in the hands of anyone but us: the medical establishment, the state and/or our parents/carers. These projects hope to help, in a small way, take back some of that stolen space and control so that we're able to steer our own destinies and tell our own stories.

Photo by Dani Coyle

Q: Can you share something you've learned from creating this body of work that would resonate with our community?

D: I've learned that intersex people come in all shapes and sizes, and although we have that common thread which connects us all, how it looks and feels for every one of us is very different and changes depending on your variation/condition, your geographical location, your socio-economic background, your culture, your race, your sexuality, your gender identity, amongst many other factors etc. 

Q: Tell us about your work process! Do you plan your images ahead or are you more improvisational? 

D: Completely improvisational! I normally meet with people in an area/space they already know, e.g. their city or flat, in order for them to feel at home, and I hope that sense of belonging, self and comfort comes across in my pictures. I trust them to show me around and take us to nice shooting locations while we chat and get to know each other. I normally take 1 or 2 rolls per person, as I like to make the session last for an hour or so, no rushing. After that we often go for lunch and just have a chin wag!

Photo by Dani Coyle

Q: What types of expectations for artists are most challenging to you? 

D: I'd say the classic dilemma of having to be your own publicist, PA, social media manager, website designer and agent all in one go while also trying to leave enough time to be creative. Trying to do everything makes it really hard to do anything, but all aspects are super important so I guess it's about trying to find balance! 

Q: What is your advice to young and aspiring photographers? 

D: I would say just go out there and take pictures of what inspires you. Don't be too afraid to pick up a camera and just go for it. I'm by no means a professional photographer! I still take my pictures on a point and shoot with an automatic setting, but that doesn't matter, because the content/subject is what's important and what speaks. Tell stories that haven't been told yet, in ways that haven't been told, in your way.

Q: Do you have any upcoming events or exhibitions you'd like to share? 

D: I'd love to share with you the release of a new intersex oral history podcast series I'm in the post production stages of called Inter_view. The guests of season one include Hanne Gaby Odiele, River Gallo, Valentino Vecchietti, Anick Soni, Sasha and Sonia Komarova, Sean Saifa Wall and Desiree. Often, our voices and narratives are stolen by society, by surgeons, by doctors and by carers and parents. Inter_view, like Inter_face, aims to give the power back to intersex people to autonnomosly tell their own stories.

Photo by Dani Coyle

Follow @inter_sexy


Artist Feature: Trista Marie McGovern


Feminist Weekly November 04