Artist Feature: Alina Gross

Alina Gross is an artist from Germany who works between Düsseldorf and Berlin.  She focuses her work on bizarre and unusual perspectives of the feminine body. An active participant in body positivity movement, she has published internationally in Vogue and Allure. She has exhibited around the world and is represented by The Curators in New York. 

Photos by Alina Gross

Q: Can you share something you've learned from creating this body of work that would resonate with our community?

A: I realized that images can have a powerful impact and even influence public thinking. Images satisfy different needs in us; from entertainment to information transfer, documentation or even social functions. For me photography has a powerful and visual force that serves for visual communication.

Q: Tell us about your work process! Do you plan your images ahead or are you more improvisational? 

A: The work process is individual and complex. Sometimes I write down ideas or make sketches. I keep asking myself what the viewer of my works should think and feel when they look at my pictures. What do I want to communicate, what really matters?

Photos by Alina Gross

Q: What types of expectations for artists are most challenging to you today? 

A: I think no career has come about without hard work and setbacks. Artists have always had a hard time asserting themselves. Today news travels very quickly and is available globally through the Internet. On the one hand, it makes it easier to quickly build up a large range. On the other hand, the consumption of art is very fast moving and people get bored easily. As an artist, you have to constantly produce new and creative content in order to survive in the “market”.

Q: What does being a feminist mean to you?

A: In my work I would like to create a space in which one can speak openly and without taboos about natural processes of the body (birth, death, sexuality, desire,…). This is my contribution to feminism.

Q: Do you have any upcoming events or exhibitions you'd like to share?

A: I regularly post on the feminist plattform @curatedbygirls. The main focus there is diversity & equality. We are currently trying to set up an exhibition “new femininity”. So if you want to support us, please contact me or curatedbygirls directly.

Photos by Alina Gross




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