Harris is a stage 3 breast cancer survivor who is an advocate for the American Indian Cancer Society and intersectional social justice issues.
Tarpley is a HER2-positive breast cancer survivor and the author of Type A Guide to Cancer, a book to help others with their diagnoses, and Too Many Cells, a book for the children of cancer patients.
Butcher is a marathon runner who is raising breast cancer awareness and body positivity by proudly running topless with her mastectomy scars.
Maddock is the Chief Operating Officer of the Pride Cancer Retreat for those affected by breast and/or gynecological cancer. She was diagnosed at 26 years old with 2 types of breast cancer and has now been in remission for 2.5 years! She uses her story to advocate and support the young breast cancer community!
Cooper is a speaker, advocate, and stage 2 breast cancer survivor who is sharing her story on social media and her podcast, “A Girly Girl’s Guide to Survive.”
Michelle is a cancer survivor, advocate, and Chief of Community at The Breasties, who has raised over $90k for cancer charities through her organization, Reclaim October.
Breast Cancer Awareness Month, held annually in October, aims to promote screening and prevention of the disease, which affects one in eight women in the United States every year and 2.3 million women worldwide. (@Breastcancerorg)
Author feature: Clara Burstrom